No company today, bringing products made of virgin material can call themselves sustainable.
But one thing is certain: we want to contribute to making the world a better place.
We cannot turn our whole company around in the blink of an eye, or even in a year for that matter.
It takes time, new knowledge and resources. For now, we are focused on keeping the balance as we keep moving forward.
We do so with clear goals, a structured approach and a willingness to make changes – no matter their size.
We support all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals but have chosen to focus our work on the four goals where we believe we have the biggest opportunity for making a significant difference. These are goals 3, 8, 12 and 13.

All changes matter – both big and small. While our main focus is on our products and value chain, we also keep an eye out for low hanging fruits: easily implemented changes that make a difference in the grand scheme of things.
Some of the changes made in our offices include:
• A new waste sorting system
• An on-site separation of organic waste, which is taken away to be composted
• A cargo bike we can use for errands instead of our van
• We have switched to a caterer focused on using less meat and more plants
Other changes:
• Altering the packaging for AW22 products to reduce the amount of cardboard used
• Replacing the classic hangtag with a QR code for more product information
• Using FSC mix cardboard for our packaging

Before a GripGrab product is taken on its first ride, it has already been on its way for quite a while. Throughout our value chain we have a direct and indirect influence on both social and environmental conditions.
Our due diligence process helps us take responsibility for any negative impacts we may cause in our supply chain. The process is designed to help us prevent risks from turning into realities and to make sure we take proper action if they do.
We conduct regular risk assessments of our supply chain. These are based on well-known industry risks, as well as things we have learned from audits, factory visits and our suppliers’ self-assessment questionnaires. In collaboration with the supplier, we address the issues and find a solution. We always make sure to follow up and see if the solution has worked and has been implemented within the timeframe.
To communicate our values and the terms and conditions of working with GripGrab to our suppliers, we have developed a code of conduct and a selection of supporting policies. These are updated annually or when we become aware of new issues that have to be addressed.
All our suppliers are asked to read and sign these documents. By doing so, they commit to following their contents.
• Code of Conduct
• Human rights policy
• Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy
• Anti-slavery policy
• Child labour policy
• Anti-corruption policy
• Environmental policy
• Chemical requirements

Our suppliers are key partners in our development, and we know that a trusting, transparent and strong relationship with them is key if we want to reach our goals. Our relationship is characterised by respect, and we share a deep involvement in the well-being of each other’s business.
Our suppliers are chosen based on their skills, expertise and values – and that means that some of them are located far away from our headquarters. To be closer to them, we have set up a Pakistan department, where five GripGrab employees are handling everything from quality assurance to logistics and administration. The Pakistan office is especially involved in our due diligence work, as they are close by for hands-on remediation and on-site visits.
It is important to us that our products are safe and free from harmful substances. Therefore, it is a requirement that all GripGrab suppliers sign our chemical requirements and commit to adhere to the AFIRM restricted substance list (RSL), known to be one of the strictest chemical regulations globally and considered by many to be industry best-practice.
To ensure that our products live up to our requirements, we have developed a strategic chemical testing programme through which we check our products for dangerous, restricted and potentially harmful substances. The testing is done in independent, accredited testing laboratories.

At GripGrab, we prefer to make well-informed decisions to be sure they have the desired impact. In 2021, we conducted our very first carbon accounting report, to learn more about the impact of our organisation, value chain and products.
We learned that the place where we can make the greatest change is in our value chain and our products, as the report showed us that these factors account for nearly 99% of our total emissions.
Based on the report, we will set objectives and commitments to help us reduce our impact over time. We will continue to develop annual carbon accounting reports to identify trends, and make sure our changes and initiatives actually have an impact on our emissions.
View our GripGrab Impact Report 2021