No cutting corners

There’s peace in this. The solitude, the rain, the ride. But beneath that calm lies a fierce discipline and a ritual Lorenzo Bosco never breaks.

Rider Profile, September 2024

From his home in Copenhagen, nothing stops him—not darkness, cold, or rain. No excuses, just unyielding resolve. Lorenzo always rides out, never missing a training day.

Passing the bakery with the tempting smell of fresh bread might distract some, but Lorenzo stays locked in on his ride.

Lorenzo's dedication is unmatched. While many cyclists might reconsider their plans on a stormy day, he embraces the challenge. "The weather is just another obstacle to overcome," he says. For him, every drop of rain and every gust of wind is an opportunity to build resilience and refine his skills. It’s this mindset that keeps him pushing forward when others would stay indoors.

Copenhagen, with its mix of modern architecture, historic buildings, and intricate network of bike lanes, provides Lorenzo with an ever-changing environment for his training. Each ride is different, depending on the weather and the city's rhythm that day. Lorenzo is turning the urban landscape into his personal training ground. 

If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.

Embracing the elements with confidence. The PACR Waterproof Lightweight Jacket keeps Lorenzo in the zone.

What makes Lorenzo’s commitment even more impressive is the unpredictability of Copenhagen’s weather. The city is known for its sudden downpours, strong coastal winds, and wet winters. Yet, Lorenzo takes it all in stride. His philosophy is simple: “If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.